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Re: 'binary' mounts

Somewhere within the archives there is an emacs function to start bash
to allow the \r's to be interpreted or stripped before bash sees them.

I suppose that you could set the CYGWIN32 environment variable with
"nobinmode" to allow the text input.

---"Rob M. Manning" <> wrote:
> Matthew Patton wrote:
> > 
> > I guess I've missed the man page collection for the cygwin32
> > People keep mentioning binary mounts. What is meant by this? Do I
need an
> > /etc/fstab? Does it look like a unix one? What program reads it?
Is there
> > anyway (via environment vars etc.) to make d:\cygnus mount as "/"
> > of C:?
> > 
> > -
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> > "" with one line of text: "help".
> Me too.  I read Sergey's page, checked the FAQ, read through this
> archives and saw lots of folks talking about the goods and bads of
> text=binary, 
> as it pertains to emacs, but no mention of how to accomplish this.  I
> know
> this info is somewhere so can some kind person explain what is
> to do this.  I'm awfully tired of getting:
> bash.exe: ls^M: command not found 
> in my emacs shell window.
> -- 
> Robert M. Manning               
> Software Engineer                         OFFICE (410) 571-0403
> Science Applications International Corp.  FAX    (301) 261-8427
> -
> For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a
message to
> "" with one line of text: "help".

-        \\||//

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