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Re: 'binary' mounts

Matthew Patton wrote:
> I guess I've missed the man page collection for the cygwin32 environment.
> People keep mentioning binary mounts. What is meant by this? Do I need an
> /etc/fstab? Does it look like a unix one? What program reads it? Is there
> anyway (via environment vars etc.) to make d:\cygnus mount as "/" instead
> of C:?
> -
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Me too.  I read Sergey's page, checked the FAQ, read through this years 
archives and saw lots of folks talking about the goods and bads of
as it pertains to emacs, but no mention of how to accomplish this.  I
this info is somewhere so can some kind person explain what is necessary
to do this.  I'm awfully tired of getting:

bash.exe: ls^M: command not found 

in my emacs shell window.

Robert M. Manning               
Software Engineer                         OFFICE (410) 571-0403
Science Applications International Corp.  FAX    (301) 261-8427
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