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Re: gettimeofday function, and crypt

> These are also not in the headers, I have had to define these for XEmacs:
> extern void cygwin32_win32_to_posix_path_list(const char*, char*);
> extern int cygwin32_win32_to_posix_path_list_buf_size(const char*);
> extern void cygwin32_posix_to_win32_path_list(const char*, char*);
> extern int cygwin32_posix_to_win32_path_list_buf_size(const char*);

These were recently added to sys/cygwin.h.

> struct timeval;
> struct timezone;
> extern int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tp, struct timezone *tzp);
> extern int gethostname (char* name, int namelen);
> extern char*	mktemp(char *);
> extern void	sync();
> extern int	ioctl(int, int, ...);

I just added these to the appropriate places...

> extern double	logb(double);

This one I have yet to deal with.

Geoffrey Noer
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