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Re: Linking to CYGWIN32 Relocatable DLL's... help!

On Mon, 18 May 1998, Craig Setera wrote:

> Ok, I've followed the information on the web site to create a couple of
> relocatable
> DLL's and their associated lib (.a) files.  I've linked my application to these
> DLL's
> in CYGWIN32 using the .a files.  When I attempt to run my application, it says
> it can't
> find the DLL (null).  It appears that the name in the executable is messed up.
> Does
> anyone have any suggestions on how I might go about getting this right?

Sounds like you may be using the development tools (as, ld, gcc, etc) 
distributed with b19. If so, you might want to upgrade to egcs (site
below). At the very least, you should upgrade the binutils (as, ld, etc)
which fixes lots of these little bugs.

Also, it might help if you would detail the steps you're taking to build
the DLLs and also the command line used to compile/link client programs.

See for more info.


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