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Re: B19; supporting a DOS-path such as C:\a\b\c;C:\d\e\f;D:\g\h

cgf wrote:

>> cygwin32 changes the PATH environment variable into native Windows format
>> before every program invocation.  That means if you set your PATH
>> to '//c/bin;//c/windows/system' and run a non-cygwin32 program, the
>> program will see 'C:\BIN;C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM' as the value of the PATH
>> variable.

Earnie wrote:

>Are you saying that if I mount c:\cygnus\b19\H-i386-cygwin32\etc to
>/etc and I use the Win32 native vim to edit /etc/termcap that vim
>should see c:\cygnus\b19\H-i386-cygwin32\etc\termcap?

no. that's a command line argument, not the path variable.


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