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Re: Nedit freezes up


> I've installed Mumit Khan's EGCS 1.02 beta 19 
> binaries for NT 4.0, 


> along with the X11 binaries from
> Arlindo da Silva's site and the MicroImages X server.
> This all works very well, but to do any useful
> work in this environment, I need a working X editor.
> I downloaded the binary for Nedit-5.0.1 from Valery 
> Tulnikov's site, but have not been able to make
> it work correctly.  I can start the editor, open
> files into it, cut and paste with it, and write
> text into the menu items, but the moment I strike
> any key on the keyboard with the cursor in the
> text area (ie, try to actually write some text...), 
> my entire X session freezes up. The only way out 
> is to iconize the X server window and kill the 
> Nedit session from a normal NT window.  If anyone 
> has any idea what's causing this, and how I can fix 
> it, I'd be very pleased to hear.  It's frustrating 
> to be so close to a very useful work platform...

This is strange, I use nedit (from Valery's site) quite often 
and haven't experienced this problem. A few questions:

1) Are you using the lastest cygwinb19.dll from Sergey's site

2) Do you have valid /etc/passwd and /etc/group files?
   You can use mkpasswd (on NT only) to create these, e.g.,

   mkpasswd -l > /etc/passwd
   mkpasswd -g > /etc/group

3) Have you tried another X server, say x-win32 from Starnet?

I have to admit that I get occasional SIGSEGVs but I have
no problems creating and saving files.

Arlindo da Silva

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