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Octave 2.0.12 cygwin32 error message

Using Octave 2.0.12 built using cygwin b19.1 I'm starting to get an
error message that reports:

"The heap has been split, CYGWIN can't fork this process. Increase the
heap_chunk_size in the registry and try again."

How do I set the chunk size? The program basically stops properly
functioning after this error message appears. I will even get error
messages of insufficient memory afterward.

I'm using NT v4.0 build 1381 with service pack 3 on a 333 MHz Pentium II
with 256 MB RAM.


William D. Kirby             Voice: (703) 273-0005
Consultant                   Email:
3527 Cornell Road
Fairfax, VA 22030-1813

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