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Re: linking confusion

"Jenny Gable (Skywind)" <> writes:

> I'm having trouble with linking (first program, using example code), and
> found in the docs,
> "The regular setup allows you to use the option -mwindows on the command
> line to include a set of the basic libraries (and also make your program
> a GUI program instead of a console program), including user32, gdi32
> and, IIRC, comdlg32."
> So says the documentation, but gcc and ld both complain that -mwindows
> isn't a valid option.  So what command line is this talking about?  

It works when you are linking, but only when you are linking - no .c
files allowed, just .o and .a.
David Fox		xoF divaD
NYU Media Research Lab   baL hcraeseR aideM UYN
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