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Re: GNU-Win32 distribution question

Hi Geoffrey,

Geoffrey Noer wrote:
> Opinions on how/whether to make use of the rpm system for GNU-Win32?

I just learned to work with RPM on Linux and I *love* it. It gives me
much more control than InstallShield, especially control about the files
that will be/are installed.

It doesn't help much in the registry issue. You have to document that
very carefully.

A disadvantage of RPM could be that it is not a graphical installation,
so some new users may still get scared.

But if you can package it so that it would be a self-installing exe, I
think it would be a good compromise.

so long, benny
Benjamin Riefenstahl (
Crocodial Communications EntwicklungsGmbH
Ruhrstraße 61, D-22761 Hamburg, Germany
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