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GNU-Win32 distribution question (fwd)

> Using RPMs would allow easy updating of specific tools which would be
> advantageous.  It would also make it easier for the Net to contribute
> packages.
> Opinions on how/whether to make use of the rpm system for GNU-Win32?

IMHO. this is an important point. It would be very nice if the various
packages could be installed in such a way, and removed if necessary.

A second point: after the cdk.exe has been installed, one has to
install the patched version (created by Sergei I believe). It would be
nice if such a packaging system would provide for this too. Also tools
that require the patched version, could check for it. This would
eliminate the necessity to contaminate this group with the ...


... mail that has been done lately.


    Ronald Pijnacker
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