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RE: To use or _NOT_ to use InstallShield?

In a message of Wed, 6 May 1998 09:42:09 +0100
Received on Thu, 07 May 1998 02:20:38 MET-1MET DST

Edward Avis <> wrote
to: '' <>

>It's true that to make good use of Cygwin32 you need to know something 
>about filesystem structure etc.  However, I don't see how using 
>InstallShield is a problem in itself.  If you can do something for the 
>user, instead of having to provide instructions and let them do it 
>themselves, then why not take the easy route?

Well, I don't know what InstallShield does, seriously.  But I do know
what tar,zip etc do and how to reverse it.  I hate things done behind
my back.  All these .exe files you don't know what's inside.  Terrible.

>The installation, with the cygnus.bat placed in the start menu, lets the 
>user test that everything is working in the "default" configuration before 
>they go off and start changing things.

Fine.  But why not do this with a .bat file I can inspect before running
it?  Then I know what I am doing.

>As a final point, I am sure that this list would be clogged with many more 
>"how to install this?" questions if Cygnus went back to the old .tgz file 
>or whatever.


So my vote is to do away with InstallShield.


Michael Lemke
Sternwarte Bamberg, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
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