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Re: To use or _NOT_ to use InstallShield? WAS: Re: B19: InstallShield reports: "WinExec failed: return=20" after 99% completion

Marty Leisner wrote:

> I hate the Ms-dos centric way of installing and taking over your
> machine...and assuming the install is logical.
> I'd much rather deal with a tar ball and some instructions...then I could
> also extract files on a need basis out of the tar ball...
> Frankly I don't see why InstallSheild is necessary unless you're trying to
> convince install-happy windows weinies.

Well, this long-time (15-year) Unix weenie sort of likes the ease of
installation and un-installation that InstallShield provides.  Do you
dislike the package formats for Unix like RedHat's RPM and Sun's pkgadd
as well?  I love them.

So here's one vote for keeping InstallShield.

John A. Turner             
Senior Research Associate  
Blue Sky | VIFX            
One South Road, Harrison, NY 10528
Phone: 914-381-8400                  Fax: 914-381-9790/1
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