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Re: alias retention

At 20:48 02.05.98 -0400, you wrote:
>Is it possible to get aliases to be retained by the bash shell at startup?
>I read the 'set -i ?' command makes the bashshell interactive  allowing
>bash to read a .bashrc file (that I would like to put aliases, etc.
>However either I'm not issuing the -i command in the correct syntax or
>something as bash doesn't seem to be getting any info from the .bashrc
>file.  In any case my aliases are lost after each session.  Can anybody

Your .bashrc is read from your home directory specified by $HOME . It uses
c:\ if home is not set. So you need to set home, or move your .bashrc to c:\.

(Isn't this question in the faq yet?) 

Tollef Fog Heen

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