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Re: gcc -v "\" and "/"

Pasa Guglielmo wrote:
> I noticed that when asking gcc to display its version
> it answers telling the directory where it looks for specs
> as
> /gnuwin32/b18/.../gcc-lib\$gccversion\specs
> why does it use "\" around $gccversion instead of "/".
> It uses the same conventions for libs and headers.
> Isn't it uncoherent. it should always use "/" or always "\"(the first
> is better!)

What is your GCC_EXEC_PREFIX set to?  Betchya it use /s.

Here's what I get:
18:55:17:~> gcc -v
Reading specs from
gcc version cygnus-2.7.2-970404
18:56:06:~> echo $GCC_EXEC_PREFIX
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