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Re: startxwin.exe no longer exists?

Larry Hall (Cygwin-X) wrote:
> On 12/15/2014 09:49 PM, Will Parsons wrote:
>> Marco Atzeri wrote:
>>> On 12/12/2014 7:07 PM, Will Parsons wrote:
>>>> For several years now I have been starting X windows by clicking on an
>>>> icon on my desktop that is a link to C:\cygwin\bin\startxwin.exe.  It
>>>> has recently ceased to work because apparently startxwin.exe no longer
>>>> exists.  Somehow I missed where this was removed, so what is the
>>>> recommended way of starting X from a desktop icon now?
>>>> I seem to recall that startxwin.exe was introduced some time ago
>>>> because using a script to start X was inadequate somehow, but I don't
>>>> remember the details, so what changed?
>> OK - so what I get from that is that whatever problems were associated
>> with the original shell script have been solved and startxwin is now a
>> shell script again.  But, my basic question is unanswered - how do I
>> start an X session from an icon?  Obviously, simply replacing the link
>> to startxwin.exe to startxwin will not work, so I copied the shortcut
>> from the start menu to the desktop and tried it (after renaming my
>> .xinitrc and .startxwinrc files to avoid any problems with the change
>> of model).
>> If I click on the icon, I *do* get an X session (along with an xterm
>> that I don't need), but if try (e.g.) to start emacs under mintty, I
>> get a non-X emacs, with an error message:
>>    Display :0 unavailable, simulating -nw
>> Sure, display :0 is unavailable; checking DISPLAY in the (unwanted)
>> xterm shows DISPLAY is set to :5.  Why's that I wonder?
>> Further investigation shows ls -ltr /tmp:
>> -r--r--r--  1 william None 11 Nov 28 17:43 /tmp/.X0-lock
>> -r--r--r--  1 william None 11 Dec 13 17:43 /tmp/.X1-lock
>> -r--r--r--  1 william None 11 Dec 13 17:55 /tmp/.X2-lock
>> -r--r--r--  1 william None 11 Dec 13 19:22 /tmp/.X3-lock
>> -r--r--r--  1 william None 11 Dec 15 16:53 /tmp/.X4-lock
>> -r--r--r--  1 william None 11 Dec 15 17:00 /tmp/.X5-lock
>> Interesting.  It looks like every time I start an X session a lock
>> file is created and doesn't get deleted, so the display number keeps
>> changing.  This doesn't look right, so how do I avoid it?
> You will get one lock file for every instance of the server you are running.
> To remove the lock files, kill all instances of the server and remove any
> remaining lock files.  Then you can start a single session.

well, I *had* killed them.  Are you saying I need to manually remove
these old lock files?  I suppose I can come up with a way of
semi-automating this, but it doesn't seem like it should be necessary.
Is this a matter of X sessions not properly exiting?


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