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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: xinit-1.3.4-1 (Major overhaul of X session handling)

On 11/29/2014 3:05 AM, Nem W Schlecht wrote:
In reference to:

     * User-defined ~/.startxwinrc files must now be executable, the
final command therein must be run in the
     foreground, and that command's exiting will end the X session,
just like with startx and ~/.xinitrc or

In most UNIX systems, this last command would be the window manager.
I'm not liking fbpanel (although I will give it a try) and I don't
like using an XTerm as my "last" command, since I often close/reopen
them all when making changes to my .bashrc/.bash_profile.

Are there any suggestions from the list for some *other* program that
won't use any resources that I can use as my final foreground command?
  I don't want it to do anything, just not let X11 exit.

xclock and xeye should be light enough


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