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Xemacs - Choosing an alternate font.

Hi -
I am attempting to use Xemacs with Cygwin to edit an
A+ script which requires a special font.

I have:
installed the required fonts in /usr/share/fonts/misc
added the fonts to /usr/share/fonts/misc/fonts.alias
successfully run "mkfontdir"
and "xset fp rehash"

After I run "startxwin"
and fire up Xemacs
the font that gets used is "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono"

When I use the "Options" menu and go to "Fonts"
many fonts show up including the one that I want (Kapl),
Bitstream Vera Sans Mono has the filled in green diamond
indicating that it is the current font selected.

Any attempt to switch to any other font fails.
Any suggestions?

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