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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: xorg-server-1.10.3-1
On 20/07/2011 16:57, Eliot Moss wrote:
> On 7/20/2011 11:28 AM, Jon TURNEY wrote:
>> On 19/07/2011 18:17, Eliot Moss wrote:
>>> On 7/19/2011 10:24 AM, Jon TURNEY wrote:
>> The start menu shortcut for starting XWin in multiwindow mode installed by the
>> xinit package goes to some lengths to avoid lingering unnecessary windows
>> whilst setting up the correct environment, so if you need a custom command
>> line to invoke XWin, you should use that as a template.
>> Obviously, if you are running XWin in windowed mode, you will have one taskbar
>> item corresponding to the XWin window :-)
> I am wondering if you're referring to the startxmdcp.bat file or
> startxwin.exe (or maybe something else). My .bat file is patterned
> after a standard one, and my shortcut points to run.exe to run it.
> I suspect you mean something else :-) ...
startxwin.bat was honorably retired in xinit 1.2.0-2 [1],[2],[3], so there is
no 'standard one' for you to copy anymore.
If you inspect the start menu shortcut which xinit creates, you will see that
it uses run to invoke bash -l -c to run startxwin.exe, which starts XWin with
-multiwindow and any specified options and the clients in ~/.startxwinrc
I know that sequence works for me to start XWin with no unneeded command
windows. If it doesn't work for you, then that would be a bug in something.
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