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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: xorg-server-1.10.3-1

Christopher Faylor wrote:

On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 07:25:50PM -0700, Linda Walsh wrote:
Jon TURNEY wrote:

The following packages have been updated in the Cygwin distribution:

*** xorg-server-1.10.3-1
*** xorg-server-dmx-1.10.3-1
	How can I install 'just' those packages (from the command

	The GUI has no option to only install 1 package --
it selects ALL, (100's of my packages want updates, but when I tried I
tried it last, I ended up with a completely non-function cygwin setup
(no bash, nada..., thank goddess I had a backup...)

	So now now, I tried going through and unselecting, but there
were too many and my wrists gave out.....and of course the GUI has
not KB-accelerators like shift-minus to unselect all, that I could find.

	Any easy way to cherry pick packages to install rather than being
forced fed entire updates all at once?

the cmd line 'setup' claims to allow you to install, one package, but
then it went through the whole gui process and still had all the other
default packages installed!....

If you ran setup.exe and it deleted bash then there is something very seriously wrong with either your system or setup.exe.

I know where my money would go if I was betting on which of the above
was more likely.

--- Didn't delete it... it was all non-functional....bash, everything dumped core or stacktraced -- symptoms of needing a rebase, but that didn't fix everything. ..

Got bash to run but then still no X, and bash wouldn't run under
'Console' (only under native win cmd-like shell).

	You wanna put money on fault?  Gee, Console worked w/old
bash, installed, new bash, no longer works -- what changed?

	X used to work, update?  Not.  Fault?
	I wasn't pointing finger, BTW, I know my config isn't
standard...BUT...that doesn't mean an update should through everything
into chaos...

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