cygwin-xfree archive
subject index for August, 2010

This is the mail archive of the cygwin-xfree mailing list for the Cygwin XFree86 project.

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/dev/windows and select() [was Re: Slow response to keypresses in xorg-server-1.8.0-1]

1.7.6: Install error said postinstall error

Schedule an appointment

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated xorg-server-1.8.2-1

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: gvim-7.3.003-1

Bo nurkowanie jest fajne!

Fwd: Bootstrapping Emacs (trunk) with GCC >= 4.5.1 [Cygwin]

Re: Bug: XTerm scrollbar issue

Can't Paste into Xwindow application from Winows7

Re: changing font

Cygwin 1.7.6-1 , Windows 7: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION

CygwinX at MS Terminalserver?

CygwinX Users Guide

GNOME on cygwin

How to launch an xterm using "Monospace" font

libglade2.0_0 problem

Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion

Missing dependency for Athena libraries

Postinstall script error

Right-click on text area freezes X server

SIGSEGV in xorg- during -resize operation

Re: Re: Slow response to keypresses in xorg-server-1.8.0-1

Unable to install X on 64-bit Windows 7 Premium

Unable to start XWin with --nolock

Using "konsole" in Cygwin

Weird text highlighting / cut & paste problems

X hardware acceleration still flaky?

X Server no longer launches urxvtc-X

Xorg/CDE bug, fixed in the last Xorg version

XServer draws to incorrect window when using VirtuaWin

xterm and 7-bit control codes

xwin -multiwindow puts glass pane over windows taskbar

Re: XWin crash after the launch of startkde on a remote Red Hat 5 machine

Re: XWin crash after the launch of startkde on a remote Red Hat 5 machine

XWin crash after the launch of startkde on a remote Red Hat 5 machine

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