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Re: CygwinX Users Guide

Jon, I found it.  The guide, sole author Harold L. Hunt, had the
screen shots perfectly positioned 28 April 2006.  That was
the (last) previous time I installed CygwinX.  Nick

On 26/08/2010 1:45 PM, Jon TURNEY wrote:
On 20/08/2010 01:21, noggin wrote:
Tried to print the PDF version of the guide, August 19 1700h.
All screenshots are displaced off the right-hand side.
Change magnification and they are still displaced.

Thanks for reporting this issue.

This document seems to have been this way forever. I've tweaked the
docbook source so these images should be scaled to fit in the PDF
output, and rebuilt and uploaded the documentation.

-- Prof. (Emeritus) Nicholas C. Payne, Department of Chemistry, University of Western Ontario, LONDON, Ontario, N6A 5B7, Canada phone: 519-661-3793 fax: 519-661-3022

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