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Re: X Server no longer launches urxvtc-X

On 8/20/2010 10:48 AM, Jay Goldman wrote:
I have the following menu items in my .XWinrc:
        Black EXEC  "/bin/urxvtc-X -fg green -bg black   -cr dodgerblue -g 80x40 -e /bin/bash -l -I"
        dodger EXEC  "urxvtc-X -fg white -bg dodgerblue   -cr blue -g 80x42 -e /bin/bash -l -I"

Which have been working for months .

Today I upgraded my cygwin install and all my menu items like the above no longer work.
(as noted above I've tried both simply urxvtc-X and /bin/urxvtc-X
If, however, I open up a command window using rxvt and then enter the above
Line (by copy and paste) it works fine.

My first guess was that the urxvt daemon (urxvtd-X) was not running, so the client failed. But if you can launch the client using some incantation, then that means the daemon is running.

Note, menu items like: Xterm exec "xterm" Work correctly, While menu items such as: Notepad exec "notepad" Do not.

Ah. Here's the clue: launching a native win32 program fails. I bet this is related to the change in cygwin-1.7.6 where the cygwin "current working directory" and the win32 CWD are no longer automatically kept in sync (there are good reasons for this new behavior).

This change has caused a number of problems, and it is not yet clear how they will be resolved. Stay tuned to the main cygwin list -- and meanwhile, revert to cygwin-1.7.5.


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