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Re: Unable to install X on 64-bit Windows 7 Premium

On 8/10/2010 11:16 AM, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:
Bob, FYI, I've been running Cygwin 1.7x and latest X on Win 7 Pro
64-bit and not problems setting up or running. In other words, it
works right out of the box.

Thanks for the data point, Jim. The two possible explanations that come to mind for the difference in results between your system and mine are (a) there's some difference in the way Win 7 Pro and Win 7 Premium behave which accounts for the failure on Premium; or (b) you installed at an earlier point in time, when something was different about the Cygwin packages or the Windows patches or both. I'm inclined to think (b) is more likely. Jon pointed out earlier in this thread that the visible reporting of postinstall failures is a recent change, so perhaps the installation failures occurred on your system as well, but the installer didn't bother to report them. I'll see what I can learn about theory (a) by experimenting with a virtual Win 7 Pro system.

Bob Kline

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