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Re: GNOME on cygwin

On 8/4/2010 6:33 PM, Timares, Brian (HP) wrote:
Raul Acevedo wrote:
My real question is what is the point of these packages, if GNOME is
not actually in them.  It's a bit confusing and I wasted a chunk of time
trying to install GNOME through Cygwin only to find out it's not possible.

Brian, you misunderstand what Gnome is, since the Cygwin distribution contains many packages that make up Gnome. See below for more.


Here is my answer to your question.  Disclaimer: I'm pretty sure I'm
right, I don't _know_ I'm right.

Some nice programs that rely on pieces of Gnome are installable with
Cygwin.  Since they require bits and pieces of Gnome those pieces get



By the way, I believe I understand Larry's answer.  He was telling you,
essentially, that Cygwin is not a way to get Gnome installed, rather, a
way to run specific Unix-like programs on a Windows PC.  You don't get
gnome-terminal because no one has ported it.

That's not entirely true since, as you mentioned below, there are ports out there (Cygwin Ports being the most comprehensive and a better source for all-that-is-Gnome). But, as I think is clear, there's a difference between someone's personal collection of software ported to Cygwin (and possibly conveniently packaged like Cygwin Ports) and the Cygwin distribution. The biggest difference is packages in the Cygwin distribution are maintained and supports them. This cannot be said for other sites. is not a loose collection of ported software brought under one
roof by an installer.  It is a distribution and only those things in the
distribution are provided and supported.

Understanding this, I checked the Cygwin/X FAQ.  I saw "10.1. Is there a
list of software that has been ported to Cygwin/X?"  It struck me that
might lead to something useful, which it does, it says "The CygGnome
project aims to port Gnome to Cygwin/X."

So essentially, you were confused because the Gnome section implied you
could get full-on Gnome.  Why is there that section?  Beats me.

The short answer is that it's there to house all-that-is-Gnome. It just doesn't contain everything yet. With some luck, it will someday. In the meantime, there are allot of packages that make up Gnome. Since the distribution has some of them now, it makes sense to put them in this category. The same is true for KDE, Perl, etc.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.                          (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746


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