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Re: building issue

On 15/08/2009 21:51, J. Offerman wrote:
I'm trying to build the server. At the end, I see XWin.exe is created
but it doesn't seem right. I see one error in the build log.

So, I see it links every .o file with *.la files to create ./XWin.exe
and then it links every *.o files with a bunch of *.a files to create
.libs/XWin.exe and then ... what should happen next?

Not quite right, I think.

./XWin.exe is a small wrapper generated by libtool which executes .libs/XWin.exe (I believe for doing special things if needed to find libtool libraries which are not yet installed)

../../libtool: line 9203: ./XWin.exe: Permission denied

I've seen this on some occasions, I've never quite got around to trying to work out why it happens.

afaik, since this wrapper isn't doing anything useful for you in this particular case, you can invoke .libs/XWin.exe directly and it should just work.

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