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Re: xhost package not compiled for IPv6

On 04/08/2009 22:16, cygwin wrote:
Currently, setup-1.7 installs a version of xhost (1.0.2-1) that is not
compiled properly for IPv6 protocol support.
When querying against an IPv6 X server IPv6 addresses are not recognized.
The fix for this is to simply rebuild the xhost package.

Thanks for the bug report.

However, to get it to work at all with the Cygwin/X server, you have to
be using IPv4 transport, as IPv6 support seems broken. The server
listens on IPv6 addresses ok and recognizes incoming connections, but
then it just hangs. Has anyone diagnosed this further? I believe the
problem is in accept() system call.

"The server listens on IPv6 addresses ok and recognizes incoming connections, but then the client just hangs. The server logs "_XSERVTransSocketINETAccept: accept() failed"

Yes, I was able to reproduce this by installing IPV6 and setting DISPLAY=localhost:0.0, as a IPv6 connection seems to be used first. From a quick debugging session it looks like the IPv6 socket connection is really made (shown by netstat --p tcpv6 -a -b -n), but that accept() in the server returns -1, which is very odd.

You can workaround this problem by setting DISPLAY=:0.0 (which will use a unix domain socket transport) or by starting the X server with the '-nolisten inet6' argument added.

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