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Re: xterm utf8 cyrillic

The first thing I noticed was that in the xterm menus, the defaults in
.Xdefaults (after xrdb load) are checked if they have been set.  That said,
no matter what I try in .Xdefaults, the UTF-8 option under VT Fonts is never
checked.  Don't know if that indicates a problem or not.  

Nonetheless, when I set a font and then manually check the UTF-8 option  -
the Cyrillic output is garbled.  

Only when I do not set a font and allow xterm to handle all font selections
does the output display properly.  

What I would like to know is what xterm is selecting internally so I can
mimic that in my .Xdefaults.  I've looked at the utilities xwininfo, xprop,
and xlsatoms but can't really see any info that helps me figure out what is
being used.

XTerm*jumpScroll:       on
XTerm*pointerShape:     arrow
XTerm*pointerColor:     white
XTerm*pointerBackgroundColor:     white
XTerm*cursorColor:      yellow1
XTerm*borderColor:      red
XTerm*reverseVideo:     1
XTerm*foreground:       green
XTerm*background:       black
XTerm*scrollKey:        on
XTerm*highlight:        white
XTerm*saveLines:        1000
XTerm*loginShell:       1
! have to comment this out for cyrillic to display...
!xterm*toolBar: false
XTerm*vt100*geometry:   117x36+25+26

*VT100*scrollbar.width:         14
*VT100*scrollbar.background:    gray60
*VT100*scrollbar.foreground:    rgb:a/5/5
*VT100*scrollbar.borderWidth:   0
*VT100*rightScrollBar: true
*VT100*scrollBar: true
*VT100*scrollLines: 1000

*utf8: 2


Thomas Dickey-2 wrote:
> On Sat, 1 Aug 2009, KMiller wrote:
>> I'm trying to set up xterm to handle output from mysql queries that
>> contains
>> cyrillic.  I had success when I 1) did not specify a font in .Xdefaults
>> 2) selected UTF-8 under VT FONTS
>> Under those conditions, the cyrillic characters print and all is good.
>> But, no matter what I do in .xDefaults, I can not enable xterm to
>> duplicate
>> that behaviour by default.  I always have to manually do the above steps.
>> Any ideas/advice on making this the default?
> well... (not having that particular configuration at hand, but able
> to explain): selecting UTF-8 under the VT Fonts tells xterm to do
> two things:
>  	a) switch the character-encoding from ISO-8859-1 (or whatever)
>  	   to UTF-8, which corresponds to the utf8 resource setting.
>  	b) select the font from (unless overridden) the utf8Fonts
>  	   resources.  Having a resource like "*font:fixed" would
>  	   override that, due to the wildcard.
> So it might be as simple as setting the utf8 resource in .Xdefaults:
>  	*utf8: 2
> -- 
> Thomas E. Dickey
> --
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