This is the mail archive of the
mailing list for the Cygwin XFree86 project.
RE: compiling flpsed under Cyg
- From: "Baksik, Frederick (NM75)" <frederick dot baksik at honeywell dot com>
- To: cygwin-xfree at cygwin dot com
- Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 12:07:17 -0700
- Subject: RE: compiling flpsed under Cyg
- Reply-to: cygwin-xfree at cygwin dot com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-xfree-ownerOn Behalf Of Stephen Harris
> Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 4:39 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: compiling flpsed under Cyg
> SH: I think it would suprise most people to know that by "all things"
> you meant only the ,Xorg X server, and that XFree86 was off-topic.
> I can't imagine how this is hard to foresee as a source of
> confusion which you did not eliminate. My problem with flpsed
> was totally an X problem, how to write the ./configure syntax
> to enable -lX11 and so falls under having questions about how
> to use, configure, install build or develop with Cygwin/X. It
> was solved without any .so files.
> It was solved without changing my X server, all it needed was
> the Xorg libraries etc. I told you I had all of them
> installed which you question out of sheer perveristy later in
> this post which I will snip.
> Unlike you, I don't use the word "all" to mean one or some
> and I suppose that is the source of your confusion since you
> continue to practice it while you 'eliminate the source of my
> confusion' which was the misinformation in the contradictory
> documentation which you as project leader are responsible
> for. While I was writing I thought about how old you are. I
> don't think you deliberately and deceitfully presented a less
> than half-truth. Your sarcasm needs a lot of work.
> The end of an era is coming,
> Stephen
I was going to counter your argument, but there is no point.
However, I need to make this comment.
You are acting like an ignorant jerk.
I'm not saying this to be mean, but so you can understand and correct your
You've insulted everyone who has tried to help, and utterly disregarded
their requests for further details into the problem. Next time, You could
just provide the requested information with a more humble attitude instead
of insulting them.
You've whined about the FAQ being incorrect and misleading, but apparently
have not read it. I've just finished looking at all referenced portions of
the FAQ, it is quite clear. The mailing list is about Cygwin/X. Cygwin/X
used to be XFree86, it is now Xorg. Therefore, One can assume that no one
is really going to help you with XFree86 questions as it has nothing to do
with Cygwin/X anymore, except for some historical perspective.
Again, several people asked for technical details, about a technical issue.
Most of your replies have been filled with vitriol speech, I would advice in
the future that you be a little more polite.
I would like to apologize to Brian, Christopher, Alexander, Igor, and all of
the other contributors to this project. As a user of Cygwin/X, I must say
that you are doing excellent work, I've been using these tools for several
months now, and could not be happier. I'm appalled by Stephen Harris's
behavior and attitude towards a group of people who devout their precious
free time to the benefit of this community.
Stephen I can only hope that in the future you act with a little bit more
kindness towards these people.
The world has enough hate, contempt, and callous behavior going round, do we
really need to add to it?
-- Frodak
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