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Re: compiling flpsed under Cygwin

On Thu, Jul 21, 2005 at 09:29:25PM -0400, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>The FAQ says:
>>"Almost anything related to Cygwin is on-topic here.  Please note,
>>that this is not a mailing list for the discussion of general Windows
>>topics.  There are many many other places for that on the Internet.
>>Also note, that if you are interested in the Cygwin XFree86 project
>>which is porting the XFree86 code to Windows, then the correct
>>mailing list for this discussion is "
>>SH: I assume then that the FAQ does not need to be amended and
>>that Chris Faylor can contradict the FAQ whenever he chooses.
>Wow, yeah, if the Cygwin FAQ actually said anything like that it would
>be the cause of some confusion.
>That is the information you get if you send a command to ezmlm asking
>for the FAQ for the cygwin-at-cygwin mailing list.

Just to clarify, this isn't the information that you get when you ask
the mailing list manager for the FAQ.  This was what you got when you
send email to "".

So, the word "FAQ" doesn't really apply here.


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