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Re: OpenGL compatibility with Cygwin/X

Mathieu OUDART wrote:

> Using Xwin_GL
> - glxinfo :
>     OpenGL vendor string: Intel
>     OpenGL renderer string: Intel Solano
> - glxgears => OK (very fluent)
> - GLUT demo => NO
>     GLUT: Fatal Error in (unamed): visual with necessary capabilities
> not found.
> - Tecplot animation => NO (X Protocol error: GLXBadContext)
> Using Exceed 3D :
> - Tecplot animation => OK
> - GLUT demo => OK
> Does it miss something with my Cygwin/X to get necessary extensions ?

The accelerated OpenGL support does still require some work. Maybe running
a different colordepth can help.

--           ICQ: 126018723

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