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Re: AltGr doesn't produce @|{[]}\~

>>>>> Alexander Gottwald writes:

    > Somehow the distinction does not work properly for you because 

    > 1) the control and alt messages have different timestamps
    > 2) the extended key flag for the control key is set 
    > 3) a message in the range from [WM_KEYDOWN..WM_SYSKEYDOWN] is reported between 
    >    the control and alt message. Those messages are WM_KEYUP, WM_CHAR, WM_DEADCHAR

    > If reverting to xorg-x11-xwin- does fix the problem then it's most likely 
    > the third case. I hope I can provide a fix in the next days.

I just reverted to xorg-x11-xwin- but the problem still
persists. I know it was working before with that version.

I just noticed that a backup program which came with my new Maxtor
external HD (Dantz-Retrospect Express HD) installed the Microsoft.NET
Framework on my laptop. Also the latest security fix from MS was pushed
on my computer between the working AltGr and now.

    > bye
    > 	ago


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