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Emacs problem after rebaseall: some progresses?

As you can see in the mailing lists, I have posted this question
a few times.

Now I have discovered somethings at which you can give a more adeguate 

The problem is that after "rebaseall" Emacs does not works, it takes 
all the CPU and its window does not appear so that one can only kill
its process.

After the new release of rebase-2.4-1, the problem remains 

this time reinstalling, with "setup", ONLY the
package libncurses7 (whose current release is 5.3-4), 
EMACS works again!

Rebasing all and then reinstalling a package that has just rebased :
is it a valid procedure? 

Or should one expect that some other application does not work any more?

Best regards,

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