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Re: logout from gnome-session over ssh

Phil Betts <Phil.Betts <at>> writes:
> IIRC, my old Mandrake installation used to have, somewhere in its
> labyrinthine set of login scripts, a "shopt huponexit on" with a
> comment to the effect that it "fixed" the ssh logout problem.
> You could try putting something like the following in your
> ~/.bash_profile (assuming bash is your login shell in /etc/passwd)
>   if [ -n "$SSH_CONNECTION" ];then
>     shopt huponexit on
>   fi
> I'm not sure how much you can rely on the SSH_CONNECTION variable
> being set, YMMV.
> Phil

As you suggested, I've tried running
  shopt -s huponexit
on the remote server I've ssh'ed to, but when I run gnome-session afterwards I
still cannot completely logout interactively from gnome-session. For example,
the firefox windows remain open after I attempt to logout interactively.

Any other suggestions beside Ctrl-Alt-Backspace?


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