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Re: "cannot open display"

richard goldstein wrote:

> (WW) /tmp mounted int textmode
> _XSERVTransSocketCreateListener: listen() failed
> _XSERVTransSocketINETCreateListener: ...SocketCreateListener() failed
> _XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: failed to create listener for inet
> _XSERVTransmkdir: Cannot create /tmp/.X11-unix with root ownership
> _XSERVTransSocketCreateListener: listen() failed
> _XSERVTransSocketUNIXCreateListener: ...SocketCreateListener() failed
> _XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: failed to create listener for local

Neither the TCP interface nor the unix sockets could be initialized. Maybe you
have some kind of firewall, virus scanner or vpn software which breaks the
windows network layers.

NP: Laibach - Alle Gegen Alle
--           ICQ: 126018723

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