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proposal for using windows truetype fonts

currently I'm trying the xft stuff with windows true type fonts for cygwin/qt 
and kde applications and it works really good. 

I'm planning to release the next qt/kde releases with xft support enabled. 

One thing I have noticed, is that a symbolic link from the windows fonts dir 
is required into the X11 front root dir, so I added this link to the 
freetype2 postinstall script as seen below, because it looks to me as the 
best place to add. 

Any comments ? 


$ cat /etc/postinstall/

# Create a link to /usr/bin/freetype-config
mkdir -p /usr/X11R6/bin
ln -sf /usr/bin/freetype-config /usr/X11R6/bin/freetype-config

# Create a symbolic link for the windows truetype fonts
ln -sf $SYSTEMROOT/Fonts /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype

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