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Re: About box

On Fri, Mar 26, 2004 at 10:24:41AM -0500, Harold L Hunt II wrote:
>Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>On Thu, Mar 25, 2004 at 10:44:42PM -0500, Harold L Hunt II wrote:
>>>Okay, I did it myself.  We now have an About box that can be opened from 
>>>the tray icon menu.  The About box contains four buttons that link to 
>>>our website (, our User's Guide on the website, our FAQ on 
>>>the website, and our ChangeLog that is installed locally with the 
>>>XFree86-xserv package.
>>>I would like to modify this slightly in the future to check if the 
>>>User's Guide and FAQ have been installed locally (via the cygwin-x-doc 
>>>package) and to open those local documents instead of going out to the 
>>>web everytime.
>>>The About box is neat, check it out in XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-62 when it 
>>>hits mirrors soon.
>>Sounds cool.
>>Any chance that it could also contain a link to the main cygwin web
>>site, too?
>Yeah, I think that could be done.
>I was also just talking to some people that frequently visit the Cygwin 
>web site, but had no idea that the Cygwin/X web site even existed.  It 
>seems that it would be useful to add a short blurb on the main Cygwin 
>site that says something like "Try Cygwin/X for a full-featured free X 
>Server for Windows including clipboard integration, desktop integration, 
>and more".  I don't want to add that right away, but do you see a 
>problem with my doing so in the near future?

There is a link at the side to "X11".  If you think that's unclear then change
it to something clearer.  If you want to advertise releases in the news page
that's fine, too.

I don't think special dispensation for the Cygwin/X project is appropriate
for the main page.


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