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Re: Once again? twm takes no control


> Now,
> On last Sat Mar 13, I ran setup.exe on a different machine at home
> and it appears to have the same old problem: twm has no control
> once somebody claims the keyboard focus. This is what I got for X.
> > cygcheck -s | grep XF
> XFree86-base            4.3.0-2
> XFree86-bin             4.3.0-12
> XFree86-etc             4.3.0-8
> XFree86-f100            4.3.0-1
> XFree86-fenc            4.3.0-1
> XFree86-fnts            4.3.0-1
> XFree86-fscl            4.3.0-1
> XFree86-lib             4.3.0-2
> XFree86-startup-scripts 4.3.0-1
> XFree86-xserv           4.3.0-55
> Is something broken?

I can't see the problem on my box:
XFree86-base            4.3.0-8            
XFree86-bin             4.3.0-18           
XFree86-bin-icons       4.3.0-7            
XFree86-doc             4.3.0-2            
XFree86-etc             4.3.0-11           
XFree86-f100            4.3.0-1            
XFree86-fcyr            4.3.0-1            
XFree86-fenc            4.3.0-1            
XFree86-fnts            4.3.0-1            
XFree86-fscl            4.3.0-1            
XFree86-fsrv            4.3.0-8            
XFree86-html            4.3.0-8            
XFree86-jdoc            4.3.0-2            
XFree86-lib             4.3.0-2            
XFree86-lib-compat      4.3.0-2            
XFree86-man             4.3.0-8            
XFree86-nest            4.3.0-7            
XFree86-prog            4.3.0-19           
XFree86-prt             4.3.0-6            
XFree86-ps              4.3.0-2            
XFree86-startup-scripts 4.3.0-1            
XFree86-vfb             4.3.0-7            
XFree86-xserv           4.3.0-59           
XFree86-xwinclip        4.3.0-2            

Just a sanity check: is your NumLock off?

Takuma Murakami

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