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RE: CygWinX inside ActiveX

Not exactly sure what you are trying to do but have you looked at vnc 

Your unix/linux box can run a XClient in an Xsession.
Your windows box can then connect to it using vnc...
Or there are vnc java applets that will run inside a browser...

-----Original Message-----
From: Louis DeWet []
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:22 AM
To: ''
Subject: CygWinX inside ActiveX

Hi everyone,

Please forgive my ignorance with Linux/UNIX api's. I'm a newbie to this
exciting world ...

I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction. I need to
connect an XServer (Windows) to an XClient running UNIX (Solaris) or Linux
(Red Hat) via XDMCP. I have several options in the commercial domain, but
none that fits the hand like a glove. Most are separate applications
designed for a user to manipulate - none was designed for automation, i.e.
ActiveX. There does exist some ActiveX for terminal sessions, but I need

I'm looking for an API that would be programmable and used inside the
ActiveX on a windows platform. This ActiveX will then show the UNIX/Linux
GUI, and is controlled from either a webpage (Explorer) or an application
using the interface of the ActiveX control. This ActiveX will run exactly
like the commercial applications, ie send mouse/keyboard events, clipboard,

Basically, this API should be able to open a windows window and draw to it
the desktop from a UNIX machine. The ActiveX is just a wrapper technology
for COM.

Would CygWinX be a candidate and how much work will it be to achieve this?

PS - I'm aware of the licensing ... if I do decide to use CygwinX (or any
code in the public domain, I'll make my code freely available to use by
anyone interested ... it will help if someone could explain this to me too)

So ... there we are ... that wasn't so difficult ... hope there is a
friendly face that can help me J


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