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Re: xserv-4.3.0-52 - keyboard autorepeat pb

On Wed, 10 Mar 2004, gagou wrote:

> Alexander Gottwald wrote:
> > The -kb option turns off XKB. Do you really need it?
> > If you remove it then autorepeat should work again.
> I do need it. With xkb set, alt-gr chars such as | ou
> @ can't be used in AIX or HP-UX X apps.
> In a previous thread, you submitted a patch which was
> working just great:
> Is the logic used deprecated (Only discard the windows
> autorepeat messages if the XKB layer is not
> disabled.)?

The autorepeat is set via the XKB layer. If it is disabled
I have no other way to enable the xserver internal autorepeat
feature. but the windows autorepeat message should generate
the repeated keypresses.

--           ICQ: 126018723

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