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Re: French Keyboard ALT_R on HPuX

On Mon, 8 Mar 2004, Gilles PATURLE (Sully ) wrote:

> Hello,
>  I'm using cygwin/X to acces an HPuX system (11.00).
>  In this case the Altgr key on a french keyboard is not working.
>  Even the input device setting seems to be OK.
>  If I use XkeyCaps while connected to the HpUx the key is known with the
>  right keycode (0x071) but the caracter show when pressed is like if
>  Altgr was not pressed.

Please try running 

DISPLAY=:0.0 setxkbmap fr 

in a cygwin shell. Does it help?

--           ICQ: 126018723

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