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Re: Newbie question -



XDMCP manages your entire X Windows session. Either you use it at startup or you don't use it at all.

If all you want is a local window manager and remote applications, then you should launch XWin with your local window manager, then ssh into your remote host with X forwarding enabled and launch your X Clients in the background (e.g. ``xterm&'').

What did you envision would happen if you were running a local window manager and you logged into a remote XDMCP session at the same time, assuming that this was possible? Did you assume that the window managers would share the screen, that a new window would popup with the XDMCP session? What were you envisioning?



Jean-Claude Gervais wrote:

Is there a way to invoke XDMCP AFTER the fact?
Once I have started a local window manager, I'd like to do an XDMCP query,
but running XWin again creates a second instance of X that is independent of
my current window session.
I tried running XDM ?!? And it replies only root wants to run xdm... But
there is no user called root on my system...

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