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RE: How to build shared librairie with Cygwin

I actually find this long thread useless.  The complainer knows there is a
Cygwin/Xfree86 FAQ and knows the URL.  There are names of maintainer, and
core team members listed on Cygwin/Xfree86 URL.  There is a mailing list to
complain, yell, or whine, and... above all I prefer users who like to give a
hand to an open source project then to whine about minor things.  If absense
of LessTif precompiled binaries are worrying Michel Bardiaux so much then
how about he takes the task of helping LessTif and Cygwin/Xfree86 project to
provide precompiled binaries?  


> On Wednesday 20 Jun 01, Michel Bardiaux writes:
> > The maintainer of the "Cygwin/XFree86 FAQ" is not named in 
> it. Could you
> > send me his Email address, or ping him on my behalf, or 
> should I send
> > the change request to ?
> I don't actually follow that project any more (I used to), so I don't
> know who maintains the Cygwin/XFree86 FAQ.  There is a cygwin-xfree
> mailing list, perhaps you should write to that instead of an
> individual?
> Anyway, last I heard, I thought Suhaib was effectively head of the
> cygwin-xfree project, so he should be able to co-ordinate the changes
> you require.
> Hope this helps.
> Regards,
> David

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