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RE: The Big List of Dodgy Apps

On 21 March 2007 21:21, Cary Jamison wrote:

> Dave Korn wrote:
>>  I know that we've discussed keeping a FAQ entry for this list
>> before, and IIRC there was a preference against it, so I've been
>> keeping a running count in my head for a while now, and asking people
>> "do you have any of ...." when they turn up with miscellaneous fork
>> failures.  Anyway, FTA and JFTR, here is what I currently have on my
>> list.  If anyone spots any obvious omissions, please drop a reply.
>> Sonic Solutions burning software containing DLA component
>> Norton/MacAffee/Symantec antivirus or antispyware
>> Logitech webcam software with "Logitech process monitor" service
>> Kerio, Agnitum or ZoneAlarm Personal Firewall
>> Iolo System Mechanic/AntiVirus/Firewall
>> LanDesk
>> Windows Defender
> I don't think this list is useful without version numbers (some reported
> problems are fixed in later versions) and what they affect (maybe I don't
> care if app y interferes with ssh).
> Cary

  I think it is (useful).  These apps are known to use software design
techniques in their core engines that can cause problems to cygwin in a way
that other applications such as notepad or ms office don't.  When a
complicated system with many interacting parts breaks down in some way related
to an unexpected interaction between components, your first strategy to
analyse the problem is to bisect the problem space: start taking stuff away
and see when it starts working again, then you've got your suspect.  It is
worthwhile to have a list of apps that are the first ones to suspect rather
than the last, so that people don't have to just start at the top of their
Program Files dir and uninstall everything one by one in alphabetical order.
This list is not intended to answer the question "What causes this cygwin
problem" in any given case; it is intended to help reduce and focus the
problem space.

  Besides which, I have concrete evidence that this list is useful.  By
repeatedly posting the question

>   Also, do you have any of Norton/MacAffee/Symantec antivirus, Logitech
> webcam
> software, Kerio, Agnitum or ZoneAlarm Personal Firewall, LanDesk, or
> Windows
> Defender installed?

I've already pointed three or four people at the solution to their cygwin
crash problems over the last couple of months.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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