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Re: The Big List of Dodgy Apps

Dave Korn wrote:

> > I would think it was possible to have cygcheck do something like
> > sysinternals' process explorer does to get the DLL list, but to do it
> > only on itself - essentially asking the question "to which DLLs am I
> > linked?"  The expected DLLs can be eliminated from all enquiries.  If
> > the fingerprint of a known offender is detected, it can be reported as
> > such.  Anything else can be reported as a "potential problem".
>   This seems a reasonably good idea.  I was thinking at one point of adding it
> to the cygwin crashdump routines invoked after fork() errors.

It won't work to check "to which DLLs am I linked", at least not in the
way of inspecting the PE headers of the file on disk.  The injecting is
dynamic, through system hook functions, so you have to use the
DebugHlp/ImageHlp libraries to inspect the process space, IIRC.


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