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RE: Installing Cron on Windows 2003 Server...

On 16 March 2007 20:08, Christopher Faylor wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 02:53:21PM -0500, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
>> Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>> On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 02:11:39PM -0400, One Angry User wrote:
>>>> On a snowy Friday, the 16th day of March, 2007, Christopher Faylor's
>>>> computer deigned to emit the following stream of bytes:
>>>>> Please don't try to defend yourself.  We've discovered a serious
>>>>> infraction here and now have to decide on your punishment.  You can't
>>>>> retreat from it by quoting facts.
>>>> Off with his head!
>>> I was thinking about destroying the brain, myself.
>> That's funny, "cgf" doesn't look much like "Dave Korn" :-)
> True.  Dave's British, I think, while I'm Congregationalist.
> Rumor has it that Dave is much better looking, too.
> cgf

  Well, I used to be....   that was before I removed the head and destroyed
the brain though.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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