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RE: [ANNOUNCEMENT] copy-paste

On 09 March 2007 14:46, Michael Schaap wrote:

> Just hippothesizing, but it might be that the adding of '[ANNOUNCEMENT]'
> to the subject isn't actually Nabble's fault.  After all, there's one
> other situation where this happens: cygwin-announce messages get
> forwarded to the main cygwin list, with a mangled Subject: header.
> Could it be that the script that does the mangling is somehow triggered
> for messages coming from Nabble as well?

  Well, anything's possible, but I would imagine the script that does the
mangling is triggered by the 'To:' line containing 'cygwin-announce'...

> Still think it's a good idea to ban Nabble, though, 'cause they're
> indeed mostly garbage.

  Remove the head or destroy the brain!

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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