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Internet - Office = Home Work <<>>from 800 AUD Per Week. (from 1500 AUD for corporate stuff) 6

Internet office - position in Australia! Work in Internet with good salary!
Company Troy Inc. - is seeking for responsible, literate and honest persons for the positions in transaction services to be financial manager in Internet office.
1. Be able to check your email several times a day
2. Be able to respond to emails immediately
3. Be able to work overtime if needed
4. Be responsible and hard working
5. Be able to open bank account for company needs (if needed)
6. Should have personal bank account for receive payments 
You will be asked for punctuality, managerial abilities and responsibility. You will also receive detailed instructions for subsequent actions from our manager, with information how to receive/transfer the money.
Please contact us by mail , leave your contact number or ask us for website address for additional information.
Please contact us by mail

is i am to

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