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Re: CR/LF problems after upgrade

On Wed, Jan 17, 2007 at 12:47:12PM -0800, Shankar Unni wrote:
>Cary Jamison wrote:
>>As far as I know, Unix is actually the oddball, using only a single 
>>character to represent two actions on the old ttys, a carriage return 
>>followed by a line feed.  All oses I used before I was exposed to Unix had 
>><cr><lf> line endings - these included various other mini and 
>>microcomputer oses of the late 70s early 80s era.
>Thank you, Methuselah!
>Hey, on the old OSes that *I* used, there was no concept of a "line 
>separator". *Real* OSes used *records* (fixed-length space-padded, or 
>variable-length) for all files, including text files :-).  <CR><LF> was 
>only used for formatting the file for printing..

?  The OSes that I used didn't need padding.  I just stayed within 7
characters and used a new card when I needed to move to the next "line".
No need for a backup either, since my programs were all on convenient,
flammable cards.


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