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RE: Curious about cygcheck -s' comment on vi

On 21 February 2006 14:06, Eric Blake wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> According to Dave Korn on 2/21/2006 4:09 AM:
>>   Actually, lack of elephants is an error, not a warning:
>> ---------------------------<snip>---------------------------
>> dk@rainbow /repository/gcc-build/binutils> cygcheck -s elephants
>> Error: could not find elephants
>> Cygwin Configuration Diagnostics
>> Current System Time: Tue Feb 21 11:08:09 2006
>> ---------------------------<snip>---------------------------
> Wait - let me guess.  A lack of -- (hmm, let's see here, do I really want
> to state the obvious?  Oh well, here goes) -- _hippos_ would be an error?
> $ cygcheck -s hippos | head -n1
> Error: could not find hippos
> (Maybe it's because they are so good at sneaking up on you.  You don't
> hear the falling hippo until the splat!)

  Actually, there's often a whistling noise, a sort of
'wheeeeeEeeEEEEEEEEeeeeEEEEE' before the splat[*]...


[*]  Which in turn is often more of a KERTHUMPSPLAT.  And very occasionally is
followed by a --BOING!--
Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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