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Re: how does mailx work

On Thu, Apr 28, 2005 at 01:45:29PM +0800, Carlo Florendo wrote:
>I've searched the net for mailing lists regarding mailx but there seems 
>to be none.   Then why ask about it in cygwin-talk?  Well, since it is 
>off-topic on the cygwin list and I might as well try my luck here, where 
>all of you are intelligent.
>Here's the question:  How does mailx know which MX to use?  I've got a 
>linux box with the hostname  Now, whenever I invoke 
>"mail <user>", it delivers the mail to <user>'s mailbox in the 
>local machine.  How come it thinks that is the local machine?  
>The local machine is but *not*
>Any ideas?

Why do you think that mailx is making any assumptions about MX?  It is
most likely trying to run some sendmail equivalent to send email, which
may or may not work too well on cygwin.  Of course the source code would
tell you for sure.


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